On Saturday, September 17, 2016 Circle “S” Farm Supply hosted its annual field day at their office, warehouse, and farm located east of Rutherford, TN. A much needed rain fell the night before and raised everyone’s spirits. The event was well attended with over 100 visitors from Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, and from all across the Volunteer State.

Hill Rogers, Earth Team Volunteer representing NRCS and the Gibson County Soil Conservation District gave talks and met with visitors about products such as the use of erosion control blanket, geotextile, cattle waterers and heavy use livestock feed pads, cropland conversion from row cop to permanent grass/legume, cross fencing, critical area treatment. One subject which is a priority with NRCS is soil health and cover crops were discussed. Grazing cover crops was discussed with the crowd. EQIP and TDA cost share programs were topics of interest.

            Buddy Rowlet with Stay Tuff Fence Company was on hand to give a demonstration on the latest techniques in fencing. South West Distributors demonstrated their post drivers. The Salford Company, headquartered in Canada, was on hand to show their Valmar no till cover crop attachment for planting various cover crops. Mike Jiles of Central Farm Supply explained their many products to the crowd. Straight Way Feeds from Missouri was in attendance with examples of their many feeds. The Advanced Master Beef Class and U.T. Extension personnel were on hand.

            Roger Cochron and West Tennessee Smokers provided an excellent southern style pork BBQ lunch with trimmings for all attending. Circle “S” Farm Supply is a family owned and operated business. All members were on hand greeting attendees and participating in the various tour stops and demonstrations.


                                                                                       Board Meeting

  The Gibson County Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors will meet the Third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at the Ed Jones AgriPlex in Trenton, Tn

Zap Weather Forecast Module

  • Thursday Increasing Clouds 77°59°
  • Friday Rain Showers 82°64°
  • Saturday Rain Showers 73°46°
  • Sunday Mostly Sunny 57°37°
  • Monday Mostly Sunny 68°50°
  • Tuesday Mostly Cloudy 75°57°
  • Wednesday Chance Rain Showers 73°°